Covenant Awards

Michael Bannerman


For musician Michael Bannerman, life has always been more about the journey than the final destination.

"I guess I'm a little weird that way" he says, "but I actually enjoy all this paying your dues stuff... it's almost a little poetic."

Poetic? Perhaps, but for the former LOST COIN frontman, life has also been a bit of an adjustment.

Gone (but not totally forgotten) are the days of comfortable tour buses, playing for sold out crowds of over 15,000 people, radio stations actually caring you were in town and those "big" arena stages with their nice comfortable "green" rooms.

Yep... for Michael, after 18 years of touring North America, life has gotten a lot simpler.

"It's actually a lot of fun to be starting over again" says Michael. "Don't get me wrong, I'm scared silly of the whole thing... but what I love about it is that everything is so fresh and new again. It's well... fun!"

Michael, who released his fist solo project "Losing Balance" in the Summer of 2010 is currently in studio working on a new project with his new 6 piece pop/rock group THE UPSIDE OF MAYBE.

The beauty of Michael's music is that he often flirts with the boundaries of various musical styles. He walks the thin line between roots and folk, rock and country... and yet somehow manages to never quite fall off for too long in any one genre.

It's this musical versatility that makes him such a great live act.

In 2000, Lost Coin won the prestigious CGMA "Covenant Award" for "Favorite Canadian Live Band". This was no accident =, and as the former "front man" Michael has brought much of this "live energy and passion" to his own solo concert. He doesn't just play music... he entertains.

"I love to play live", explains Michael "There is no better place on earth than a packed room, a stage and a microphone."

When asked what the future holds for Michael at this time, he responds...

"The future? Ha... who knows. All I can be sure of is that I have a journey ahead of me. My goal for today is to start out by simply putting one foot in front of the other. Where it takes me? We'll see. As long as I'm singing, playing and writing tunes, I'm happy. There really is no "final destination required."

Awards and Nominations

There are no awards or nominations available to show at this time.


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