Covenant Awards

Folarin and Keziah


FO­LARIN AND KEZIAH are a con­tem­po­rary Chris­tian singer-songwriter duo from Hamil­ton, Ontario. Originally from Nigeria, the married couple made Canada home in 2012 after relocating from England. Their style of music defy traditional norms and overflows genre labels with the eclectic fusion of contemporary Christian and Gospel music genres although much of the songs can also be placed into Chris­tian pop, soft rock and praise and wor­ship gen­res. With a combined 20 year experience, Folarin and Keziah has led worship in Africa, Europe and North America. Their pas­sion is to ex­press the love of God to all peo­ple re­gard­less of race or eth­nic­ity. Their ap­proach en­cour­ages lis­ten­ers to en­large their ap­pre­ci­a­tion for God-given creativ­ity. The duo founded an in­de­pen­dent la­bel God Col­ors Me­dia Inc. to produce, publish and promote their musical content.

In 2019, Folarin and Keziah released their de­but al­bum "Re­lent­less" which re­ceived Covenant Award nom­i­na­tions from the Gospel Music As­so­ci­a­tion of Canada (in­clud­ing Gospel Song of the Year for “You Are My God”) as well as nomination for "Gospel Artist of the year" in the 42nd Covenant Awards. Folarin and Keziah also received nominations for six International Singer Songwriters Association (ISSA) Awards in 2020 and won the International Band single of the year - Gold for the song "Relentless". They have also been featured by acclaimed music and faith online and print publishers like Faith Today (Canada), Louder than Music (USA), Jesus Freak Hideout (USA) and A&R Factory (UK).

Their love for God and shar­ing that love with au­di­ences is ev­i­dent through­out their music as they en­twine Scrip­ture with a range of up-tempo music and catchy hooks. Songs such as “Sur­ren­der­ing All” and “You De­serve” are sat­is­fy­ingly gen­uine ex­pres­sions in a unique style. Over­all their music and mes­sage en­cour­age both heart and spirit.

Awards and Nominations

43rd Covenant Awards and Conference

  • Nominated for the Group of the Year Award
  • 42nd Covenant Awards

  • Nominated for the Gospel Artist of the Year Award
  • Songs


    1 / 25 plays
    released 2023-04-07

