Covenant Awards


Welcome here!

2023-07-12 03:06:33 by Jaylene Johnson

On behalf of your GMA Canada Advisory Board, welcome here! 

We are so pleased to be able to offer this website as a "hub" for the Covenant Awards. Here, you will be able to submit for awards, vote, keep your GMA Canada membership and profile up-to-date, and explore one another's music and ministries. We love that this website can serve as a resource and as a directory, as well. Our profound thanks goes out to fellow member, Jason Silver, who has created this online space to bring us together. It has been a joy to work with him to find ways we can serve our community. 

Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Jaylene Johnson

VP GMA Canada Advisory Board

GMA Canada Membership

Annual Membership Benefits

  • Become eligible to submit your music for The Covenant Awards
  • Become eligible to vote for The Covenant Awards
  • Become eligible to submit for showcase/peformance opportunities
  • Gain access to exclusive rates and trade discounts for GMA Canada events (when applicable)

Shireen Spencer

Shireen is a woman who wears many hats-Pastor, Author, Teacher, Mary Kay Business Owner, Worship leader and now Singer Songwriter to name a few...

