Allen Froese

Allen’s vision “…is to elevate Jesus and proclaim His renown through my life and music and to encourage people to worship the creator in spirit and truth both corporately and individually.”
He has been equipping worshippers, leading worship, and writing songs for over a decade and has led worship experiences and has conducted worship seminars throughout North America and internationally. He has a passion in observing people encountering God in worship and helping them articulate their devotion to God through the songs he writes. His plan is to continue crafting worship songs that convey biblical truth while making the songs accessible to the church as a resource. Allen remains dedicated in encouraging and equipping people with building their lives and local church worship ministries with excellence.
His approach to worship is influenced by these principles: Integrity – a commitment to living a holy life that is pleasing to God and being authentic and open with God in worship; Accessibility – to lead worship in a way that encourages participation; Intimacy – to help people connect with God in a deep and personal way; Prophetically – to lead in the anointing of the Holy Spirit being sensitive to where God directs the worship service.
In addition to His passion in seeing people encounter God through worship, Allen enjoys helping worshippers recognize the importance of taking their worship to the next level by putting it into action every moment. He encourages people towards pleasing God through “spirit and truth” worship (John 4:23-24), sincere devotion and service (Romans 12:1-2), and singing and speaking authentic words from their hearts – not lip-service (Isaiah 29:13).
He is compelled to share about the connection between worship and justice. Psalm 89:14-15 says “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness goes before you. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, walk in the light of your presence.” God’s way is upright and fair and hence worshippers need to walk in His light through showing impartial treatment to all through spending themselves on behalf of the poor and hungry (Isaiah 58:10); and helping orphans, widows, and the sick (James 1:27).
Awards and Nominations
42nd Covenant Awards
Our Saviour Has Come
1 / 1 play
released 2020-08-12