Covenant Awards

Our Saviour Has Come

Random Song

by Allen Froese released 2020-08-12 Uploaded 2023-06-04 21:15:42

Genre: Seasonal

On YouTube

1 heart and 1 play


No lyrics to display at this time.


Allen’s vision “…is to elevate Jesus and proclaim His renown through my life and music and to encourage people to worship the creator in spirit and truth both corporately and individually.”

He has been equipping worshippers, leading worship, and writing songs for over a decade and has led worship experiences and has conducted worship seminars throughout North America and internationally. He has a passion in observing people encountering God in worship and helping them articulate their devotion to God through the songs he writes. His plan is to continue crafting worship songs that convey biblical truth while making the songs accessible to the church as a resource... [more]