Covenant Awards

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The Very Least of These by Chris Ellison 0
(released 2023-12-01)

The People Don't Cry Anymore by Chris Ellison 0
(released 2023-12-01)

Canada the Free by Chris Ellison 0
(released 2023-12-01)

Are You Pickin' Up What I'm Layin' Down by The 8th Line 1
(released 2023-05-13)

The Ground Crew by The 8th Line 1
(released 2023-05-13)

What If It's True by The 8th Line 2
(released 2023-05-13)

Chocolate Island Fantasy by The 8th Line 1
(released 2023-05-13)

More Cowbell by The 8th Line 1
(released 2023-05-13)

Make Up Your Mind by The 8th Line 1
(released 2023-05-13)

Silver and Gold by Corey Lueck 1
(released 2023-02-20)

Next Level by Q-Town 1
(released 2023-01-01)

All Above Me by All Above Me 0
(released 2022-11-03)

Start Me Up Again by The 8th Line 0
(released 2022-09-26)

Love You to Death by Manic Drive 0
(released 2022-05-26)

This Song Is Bangin' by The 8th Line 0
(released 2022-05-14)

Get Over It by The 8th Line 0
(released 2022-05-14)

Wouldn't Let Me Go by Open Sky 1
(released 2022-05-01)

The Show Must Go by All Above Me 0
(released 2022-03-25)

Perfect Timing by Kevin Pauls 0
(released 2021-06-24)

Your Sad Eyes by The 8th Line 0
(released 2021-04-26)

I'm Sorry by Kevin Pauls 0
(released 2020-09-15)

On the Shore by Jamie Hiscox 2
(released 1969-12-31)

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Tha Gate Keepa

It is my great pleasure to introduce a gifted gospel rap artist with a vision to see many encouraged and seeking Christ. Tha Gate Keepa is from Calgary Alberta and has a lyrical style that hits the heart and makes people think about life...


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