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Random Songby Carine Bado released 2023-05-26 Uploaded 2023-07-17 10:34:25
Written by Carine Bado
Genre: Gospel/Caribbean
3 hearts and 34 playsLyrics
I hear the sound of Heaven A song of triumph rising up Hallelujah the lost in now returning home I hear the angels singing It’s a brand new day Hallelujah the lost in now returning home For all I know There’s no place like home I am found I am crowned In my Father's house My fears all are gone Here I come alive Fling wide heavenly gates The prodigal has found his way back home Oh I come running into the arms of Mercy I never wanna leave For all I know There’s no place like home I am found I am crowned In my Father's house My fears all are gone Here I come alive Oh oh oh oh oh ( oh I come alive) Oh oh oh oh ( I am found and crowned) Oh oh oh oh ( in my Father's house) Bridge A ring and a robe Is waiting for me You’ve prepared a feast I am seated by your side All I ever need, I have found in your house I am a child of God

Carine is a Bilingual CCM Artist & Songwriter, originally from Ivory Coast, who immigrated to Canada in 2007 and found in Manitoba a new home. Blessed with the gift of music that was passed down, generation to generation in her family, she proudly embraced her passion for singing at the very beginning of her Christian walk. Without a doubt, Music Ministry holds a critical place in her life, inspiring her to write her Christian first song at age fifteen and many more down the road.
Citizen of Earth, from Contemporary Christian Music to French/Afro Pop and some Gospel in between, Carine grew up listening to a wide range of Christian music genres which makes her tone unique... [more]