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Come Oh Come
Random Songby David Bracken released 2021-12-01 Uploaded 2023-07-17 15:36:46
Written by David Bracken
Genre: Seasonal
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
0 hearts and 3 playsLyrics
Angels from the realms of glory wing your flight o'er all the earth Ye who sang creation's story now proclaim Messiah's birth Shepherds in the fields abiding watching o'er your flocks by night God with man is now residing yonder shines the infant light Come oh Come come and worship Him God's only son in truth and spirit sing Come on Come our hearts You are welcome in Our spirits succumb surrender our love we're coming to Worship Christ the newborn King Come oh Come come and worship Him God's only son in truth and spirit sing Come on Come our hearts You are welcome in Our spirits succumb surrender our love we're coming to Worship Christ the newborn King Sages leave your contemplations brighter visions beam afar Seek the great desire of nations you have seen the infant star Come oh Come come and worship Him God's only son in truth and spirit sing Come on Come our hearts You are welcome in Our spirits succumb surrender our love we're coming to Worship Christ the newborn King Saints before the alter bending watching long in hope and fear Suddenly the Lord descending in His temple shall appear

David Bracken is a Canadian Christian singer/songwriter from rural Manitoba. One of the founding members of the Manitoba-based Christian rock band, Isaiah's Answer (which in 2007, recieved a nomination for rock album of the year from the Shai Awards), David has gone on to release 4 projects as a solo artist since 2006.
An avid story teller and entertainer, David started David Bracken Ministries to fulfill the call on his life, which is outlined perfectly by the DBM mission statement... "David Bracken Ministries is dedicated to encouraging and spreading God's word through music and testimony - to using the skills attributed by God to build up and encourage people through song and further the LORD's Kingdom... [more]