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Random Songby Kearstin Pfeifer released 2023-03-10 Uploaded 2023-07-17 20:27:06
Written by Kearstin Pfeifer
Genre: Folk/Roots
3 hearts and 31 playsLyrics
(v1) There's no Blundstones on my feet and there's no designer holes in my jeans There's no low fat vanilla frap latte in my cup no I'll take a black java to stay 'cuz it's just enough (ch) Oh I may never see the stars or own the finer things but there's joy in all I have 'cuz all I have is all I need And I have lived the blessed life the Lord is good to me, He's good to me (v2) I've no house to call a home but I can wonder where'er my feet may roam And there's no stereo in my car but I can travel just as far (ch x2)

YYC Music Awards 2024 nominee Kearstin Pfeifer has a gift for telling captivating stories through her intricately crafted songs. Born and raised on the prairies of southern Saskatchewan, from a young age Kearstin developed a delicate and evocative musical voice. She honed her songwriting craft under the mentorship of Juno Award winning songwriter Brian Doerksen, releasing her debut EP "The Road Untold" (2019). The album would garner a nomination for Best Saskatchewan Album of the Year in 2019, while the track "In the Quiet" was likewise recognized for Folk Song of the Year at the 2020 GMA Covenant Awards... [more]