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Random Songby Carolyn Arends released 2021-03-21 Uploaded 2023-06-02 12:49:46
Genre: Adult Contemporary
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Arends began her career as a songwriter at Benson Music Publishing. In 1995, Carolyn began touring and releasing albums as a singer and guitarist. Her debut release that year (I Can Hear You) was released through Reunion Records. I Can Hear You reached No. 37 on Billboard Magazine's Contemporary Christian Chart in 1996. Feel Free peaked at No. 10 on the chart in 1997.
More recently her albums have been distributed by Signpost Music (Steve Bell's label). She is the winner of two Gospel Music Association Dove Awards and six GMA Canada Covenant Awards. Carolyn co-hosted the 29th Annual Covenant Awards in 2007 (with Leland Klassen) and the 31st Annual Covenant Awards in 2009 (with Arlen Salte)... [more]