Covenant Awards

Get Over It

Random Song

by The 8th Line released 2022-05-14 Uploaded 2023-07-18 10:04:31
Written by Scott Jackson, John Par

Genre: Rock/Modern Rock

On YouTube

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Ya, a bunch of You told me
He was playing a game
Buying me presents
So I’d remember His name
He wanted control
I’d be crazy to stay
It was all for the best
When I pushed him away
Get over it
Get over it
He had a dispute and so I gave him the boot
I got over it.
She took me out west
For advancement and hope
The winter was brutal
I bought a downfilled coat
One day she asked me
“do You know what You are?”
I told I didn’t
She said “You’re no superstar!”

Get over it (I was under duress)
Get over it (I was just like the rest)
She didn’t condone me. she just sent me home
I got over it.

Put on the brakes before You make a mistake
You’ll get over it.
Out by the bay
Was where we hung around
The prof gave permission
So we were buffalo bound
I might ring You up
After 30 odd years 
And say “You took my initials
And You disappeared!”
Get get get get 
Get over it (my best friend)
Get over it (ya)
You’ve real well, from what I can tell
We got over it.

Get over it
I got over it
Get over it
They led You astray and that wasn’t ok
So get over it. whooo

Get over it
You won’t lead me astray
Get over it
That’s what I say


Scott Jackson is the lead vocalist and visionary behind The 8th Line, formed in 2020 in Barrie. The 8th Line is a 7-piece band, performing mostly originals and some songs, in a classic rock/pop format. The 8th Line was nominated for Rock Artist Of The Year by the Canadian Gospel Music Association. Scott Jackson is a 43-year radio veteran, having managed the rock bands Anthem For Today and All Rescued Children and accepted several nominations at the Canadian Covenant Awards.


May 14, 2022 - Debut “8x8"

May 13, 2023 - “Ice & Elevate”


Your Sad Eyes

Squeaky Wheel

Start Me Up Again

I Can Hardly Believe My Eyes


Stan Coates - Bass

Dennis Colley - Background Vocals

Rose Gale - Background Vocals

Scott Jackson - Lead Vocals

John Par - Drums

Bonnie Pereira - Keyboard

BJ Roberts - Percussion

Tim Stead - Guitar
