Covenant Awards

Almost Home

Random Song

by Ruth Manning released 2023-04-14 Uploaded 2023-07-19 21:52:05
Written by Ruth Manning

Genre: Christian Country

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Almost home

We all knew the day would come, but it came up way too soon
Now there’s an empty feeling in this house, an empty bed there in her room
It was hard to let her leave, wish I could call her on the phone
Would love to hear her voice one more time, but I know she’s almost home
Yes, she’s almost home, she’s on her way
And even though it hurts so much, I knew she couldn’t stay
Life is only temporary, she was here on a loan
Now she’s almost home

As we sat beside her bed, sang her songs and said a prayer
Knowing heaven’s call had come, dad was waiting for her there
God was whispering so soft, it was time for her to go
And even though it broke our hearts, it was comforting to know
I’ll hold tight to her memory and her spirit will live on
She’ll be watching over all of us and never really gone


Ruth is a singer/songwriter from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia with several awards to her credit. She has been nominated for the Josie Awards, the largest award show in the independent music industry, in a number of categories in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 winning Rising Star Female Vocalist in 2019. Ruth has also won two World Songwriting Awards - one in 2019 and another in 2021, along with several WSA finalist awards over the past three years. Ruth was inducted into the Nova Scotia Country Music Hall of Fame in Sept. of 2022. 

In 2023, Ruth's song "Tennessee Calling" was the Canadian winner of the Talent Is Timeless Songwriting Contest in the UK and she also won Gold Female Songwriter of the Year at the International Singer Songwriter Awards in Atlanta, Georgia... [more]