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Random Songby Tha Gate Keepa released 2023-04-21 Uploaded 2023-07-20 18:47:04
Written by Tha Gate Keepa
Genre: Rap/HipHop
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
6 hearts and 54 playsLyrics
Lord, you formed me from the clay and from my mother's womb you called me by name and you called me a son. You're a father who loves me and you'll never leave me or lead me astray. You sent your Holy Son to pay a price and to die a death that I could never pay. Lord, You took me from my grave and you opened up my eyes to see a brighter day, so thank You for the final breath that you breathed on calvary and thank you for taking me away from the snare of the enemy. You made me from the dirt and you breathed into me this breath of new life. I'm so full of joy because you're grace and faithfulness saved me from a life of sin and pain. I'm standing on a rock because you're the rock of ages and I'm turning pages with my eyes on the word singing holy is your name. Oh, I praise you because you're name is Yahweh, your worthy of the fame, You took my heart of clay, and you shaped it into a heart of love and grace, so because of this I glorify you my Lord and my king. I bow my knee before you and raise my eyes to the sky with my hands lifted high. Lord I give you glory for everything you've done from creating the sun, pouring down your rain, and removing my stains of selfish pride. I no longer need to hide because you're the great I Am, the lion and the lamb, so I thank you father for adopting me in Your Heavenly Kingdom and for placing me in the palm of your hand.

It is my great pleasure to introduce a gifted gospel rap artist with a vision to see many encouraged and seeking Christ. Tha Gate Keepa is from Calgary Alberta and has a lyrical style that hits the heart and makes people think about life.