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Random Songby Jordan St.Cyr released 2018-03-16 Uploaded 2023-07-25 09:45:57
Written by Jordan St. Cyr And Ben Calhoun
Genre: Pop
0 hearts and 3 playsLyrics
I see a whole lotta scary going on right now I see so many thinking there’s no way out Sometimes I’m scared myself if I’m being honest And I think this is what we need I wanna see signs and miracles I wanna see the prisoner freedom bound I’m praying that a holy ghost revival Floods the streets of my hometown I wanna hear the world sing out Your name Shouting out Jesus is alive I wanna have a faith That finally moves that mountain Right before my eyes In my lifetime, yeah, yeah In my lifetime, yeah, yeah I need to humble myself and admit when I’m wrong And be still and know that You’re God and I am not So I’m thankful Your forgiveness meets me right where I am You healed my heart and You can heal this land We lift our eyes We lift our eyes to You, to You We give our lives We give our lives to You, to You My help comes from the Lord I know He’s in control Cause I believe it I’m gonna see it

Husband. Father of two boys and two girls. Singer. Songwriter. Storyteller. Sharer of God’s Word.
It was when Jordan St. Cyr was a teen and served with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) that he found the inspiration to pursue music as a career. He eventually released an EP, and in the years that have followed, he has released more music and has received numerous life-changing opportunities to work alongside many talented songwriters, producers, and artists, all of whom have encouraged him along his journey. From playing numerous events of all sizes and meeting people from many different walks of life, humanity’s deep desire for meaningful connection has been revealed to him and the hope to find something more vibrant than our current reality... [more]