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Silver and Gold
Random Songby Corey Lueck released 2023-02-20 Uploaded 2023-07-29 23:29:30
Written by Corey Lueck
Genre: Rock/Modern Rock
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
1 heart and 30 playsLyrics
Silver and Gold Verse The past may be the past but some memories don’t fade Sometimes you base your worth on things that once were said But there is hope because the old it can be new. There are great promises for those who turn to you Where lies are faced with truth. Chorus This body’s a jar of clay But then listen to what He says You’re worth more than silver or gold No matter what others say Your Father has already paid And you’re worth more than you’ll ever know You’re worth more than silver or gold Bridge Pearls and silver gold and diamonds all might shine Your worth is priceless you are made one of a kind. The price of your life it was nailed onto a cross. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. You are His great love.

Corey Lueck was born into a musical family, and took up the drums and singing at age 5. He started his first high school rock band in Grade 11. Soon after graduating high school, Corey, with his brother Todd, started a new country band called the “Red Hot Burritos”, and would go on to record two albums and enjoy some notoriety and frequent radio play.
After several years, the Burritos disbanded and Corey began playing drums part-time in a rock band called “the Hollywood Vampires”. After a dramatic conversion to Christianity, he found himself unable to continue to play this type of music... [more]