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Give Us a Future
Random Songby Bev Foster released 2023-06-09 Uploaded 2023-07-30 21:07:24
Written by Bev Foster
Genre: Pop
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
1 heart and 16 playsLyrics
In the mystery of your love You see the wandering one Will she recognize your voice when you call You whisper words of grace Open up the way In your time May she turn to you Give her/him/us a future Lord Bring her/him/us to life again Let your revelation light break through She’s/He’s/We’re made for your glory Lord To worship and honour you May her/his/our heart(s) desire to be with you He is yours and your alone A holy destiny That’s filled with your goodness and love You whisper words of peace Show the way back home Restore hope May he turn to you Help me love and trust you more Surrendering again With a steady heart that won’t leave the room My tears - a prayer to you

Bev Foster is an experienced musician and music educator having taught music in both elementary and secondary schools and her private studio. She has freelanced as conductor, accompanist, clinician and solo performer in community projects as well as leading initiatives such as the Ontario Vocal Festival, and David Festival. Bev has degrees in music education from the University of Toronto, and a piano performance degree from the Royal Conservatory of Music. Bev lives with her husband Rob in Port Perry, ON. They have four adult children and four grandchildren.
Currently, Bev is the Founder and Executive Director of the Room 217 Foundation, a Canadian health arts social enterprise... [more]