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He Has Made a Way
Random Songby FAC Music / Elevate Kids Choir released 2022-12-04 Uploaded 2023-07-31 19:38:45
Written by Olivia Whitaker, Grace Young-Travis, Heather Wile
Genre: Seasonal
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
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Intro Verse 1 See that star up in the sky See the twinkle in her eye The world’s about to change The world’s about to change See that man there by her side Feel the worry deep inside Will it be okay? Will it be okay? Chorus 1 Walking forward hand in hand Believing firmly in His plan I can hear them say “He will make a way” On this night their babe was born His’try changed forevermore …I can hear them say He has made a way Verse 2 The shepherds gather round the child Wise men too, their minds run wild Could this be true? Could this be true? These tiny fingers, tiny toes How can it be, God only knows The wonder of it all The wonder of it all Chorus 2 He has the whole world in those hands Bridged the gap from God to man Emmanuel has come, a gift for everyone On the night that Christ was born His’try changed forevermore And I can almost hear Him say “I have made a way” Interlude I have made a way I have made a way - The Way I have made a way - The Truth I have made a way - The Life I have made a way I have made a way Chorus 2 He has the whole world in those hands Bridged the gap from God to man Emmanuel has come, a gift for everyone On the night that Christ was born His’try changed forevermore I can almost hear Him say “I have made a way” Outro See the stars up in the sky See the love that’s in His eyes

FAC Music is the musical expression of First Alliance Church in Calgary, AB – a collective of songwriters, singers, and instrumentalists whose mission is to create music that inspires worship. From kids to seniors, there are opportunities for musicians of all ages and stages to participate in FAC Music. We are also the home of the Elevate Kids Choir.