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Heaven In My Heart
Random Songby College Street Worship released 2022-11-25 Uploaded 2023-08-01 02:19:08
Written by Rudy Stoesz
Genre: Praise and Worship
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
1 heart and 23 playsLyrics
Verse 1 I was loved in heaven Before I was known on earth In my imperfection You chose to love me first Pre-Chorus I am set apart Heaven in my heart You’ve given me a glimpse of Your glory Now I can’t go back You’re leading where I lack I’m letting Your grace write my story Verse 2 I was loved in heaven Before I was known on earth Now and forever In You I know my worth Chorus I’m alive I’m a child of a kingdom above me I belong to a home where the best is before me Heaven in my heart His name is Jesus Heaven in my heart His name is Jesus Heaven in my heart His name is Jesus His name is Jesus

College Street Worship is the worship band at College Street Victory Church in Chilliwack, British Columbia.