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O Little Child
Random Songby Bob Hawkins released 2022-05-30 Uploaded 2023-08-01 12:29:54
Written by Robert A Hawkins
Genre: Adult Contemporary
0 hearts and 3 playsLyrics
Oh Little Child Chorus: Oh little child does the world care for you Oh little child is the world there for you The Lord knows your name And his angels do see A witness to the times Of the world and its crimes Oh little child come unto me I'll hold you in my arms And bless you with so much No fear shall you have For in my love it is such I'll meet your every need From all ages to the seed Me to you and you to me Chorus I'll whisper in your ear The words you need to hear Just do your best And I will do the rest Your gift is to us all With love as the call Me to you and you to me Bridge Why do they have to wait Why do we hesitate To right this wrong Why do the children wait so long Look around, where is the hero to be found Look within It's the place to begin Me and you and you and me Chorus Tag end Oh little child come onto me ©2022 Robert A. Hawkins

The Bob Hawkins Band members are Ron Hill on drums, Peter Sanderson on bass and Bob Hawkins on vocals and guitar. Bob is also a member of: SOCAN, GMA CANADA, CCMA and CCLI.
The band is based in Orillia, Ontario, Canada where we grew up, met as teenagers, and formed a few bands before solidifying as this indie trio. Currently they are recording new music and have been preforming in various venues through central Ontario.