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Emmanuel God With Us
Random Songby Jake Fretz released 2019-12-26 Uploaded 2023-06-04 21:05:40
Written by Jake Fretz
Genre: Seasonal
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
0 hearts and 4 playsLyrics
Taste and see pure joy God is pleased to dwell with you and I Our Saviour born of dust and holy light Brings life to life Emmanuel, God with us Messiah is here, the Christ has come Emmanuel, God with us Peace with God and men His Kingdom comes in flesh through you and I Like manger stars we shine revival’s light Born with Christ Emmanuel, God with us Messiah is here, the Christ has come Emmanuel, God with us Emmanuel, God with us The Kingdom is here, the time has come Emmanuel, God with us Emmanuel, God with us And He shall reign forever and ever We shall reign forever with Him Jesus reigns forever and ever Today we reign forever with Him Emmanuel, God with us Messiah is here The Christ has come Emmanuel, God with us Emmanuel, God with us The Kingdom is ours, every daughter and son Emmanuel, God with us Emmanuel, God with us

Jake Fretz is a singer/songwriter making contemporary, faith-based, pop/rock music that leads others in inspirational and congregational experiences. His passion and energy for God’s kingdom is contagious, and Jake’s music inspires others to revel in the presence of God.
As an independent artist, Jake released his first single Christmas of 2019. Since then, Fretz’s music has continued to gain attention, including his 2021 release, Here Comes The Kingdom, which was the #1 song being added to Canadian Christian Radio summer of 2021, and spent 9 weeks on the Canadian Christian Radio TOP 30... [more]