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You Matter
Random Songby Tuzee released 2023-04-23 Uploaded 2023-08-15 02:33:21
Written by Tuzee
2 hearts and 3 playsLyrics
Big big world Little me What can I do To make a difference What can I say That even matter Hmm Quiet the noise Raise up your chin Cuz you belong What if the moon refused to rise Cuz it thought the sun shines brighter and so much bigger What if the mouth refused to speak Cuz it thought the eyes’ much prettier Live like you matter Cuz you matter Live like you matter Cuz you matter God doesn’t make mistakes You matter So live like you matter Big big dreams Little hope Wrapped up in fear Afraid to try Cuz you might lose Believe it or not You and me We belong In this big game like a puzzle Where piece has a place And without you and me It’s incomplete So Live like you matter Cuz you matter Live like you matter Cuz you matter God doesn’t make mistakes You matter So live like you matter Hmm you matter God doesn’t make mistakes No, No yeah You matter So live like you matter Cuz you matter You You matter So live like you matter God doesn’t make mistakes

Sing Through It – Tuzee's Story!
Music is a stream that never runs dry, it flows deep within the soul and quenches the thirst for a lifetime.” ~ Tuzee
Tuzee is an emerging and unique gospel, pop, and r&b singer-songwriter, and nurse. Tuzee writes from her heart, everyday life, and hopes her music inspires people from all walks of life.
Born and raised in Liberia, West Africa, Tuzee is now a Canadian who currently resides in Ontario. She was drawn to music from a very young age and sang with her family, churches, local bands whenever, wherever she could... [more]