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Random Songby Tuzee released 2023-04-23 Uploaded 2023-08-15 02:41:06
Written by Tuzee
Genre: Pop
2 hearts and 5 playsLyrics
“Did you just realize You’re not perfect Well, you’re right But, you are incredible” I N C R ED I B L E I N C R ED I B L E God made us He made us incredible (Repeat) God made you He made you incredible God made me He made us incredible I N C R E D I B L E I N C R ED I B L E No we’re not perfect We’re incredible (Repeat) God made us He made us incredible (Repeat) God made you He made you incredible God made me He made us incredible You’ve got your faults I got mine too But we are There’s not a creature On the planet that do things like we do (repeat) Na na na na na (Repeat x7) God made us He made us incredible (Repeat) God made you He made you incredible God made me He made us incredible Yeah No we’re not perfect We’re incredible Noooo No we’re not perfect We’re incredible There’s not a creature on the planet That do things like we do Look around We are adaptable Beautiful, incredible One of a kind We are fabulous, Exceptional adventurous Unique Oh yeah No we’re not perfect We’re incredible No we’re not perfect We’re incredible Na na na na

Sing Through It – Tuzee's Story!
Music is a stream that never runs dry, it flows deep within the soul and quenches the thirst for a lifetime.” ~ Tuzee
Tuzee is an emerging and unique gospel, pop, and r&b singer-songwriter, and nurse. Tuzee writes from her heart, everyday life, and hopes her music inspires people from all walks of life.
Born and raised in Liberia, West Africa, Tuzee is now a Canadian who currently resides in Ontario. She was drawn to music from a very young age and sang with her family, churches, local bands whenever, wherever she could... [more]