Covenant Awards

Abounding in Love

Random Song

by Mike Janzen released 2021-01-28 Uploaded 2023-06-04 22:01:34

Genre: Praise and Worship

On YouTube

1 heart and 4 plays


You hear the cries of our hearts 
The longing of our souls 
Have mercy on us we pray 
For we are poor and needy

Teach us Your life giving ways 
And make in us Your heart 
That we might first think of You 
For we are called Your people

The Lord is forgiving and good 
Abounding in love
And slow to anger
The Lord He is gracious and kind 
His faithfulness overspilling our lives 
And great is His compassion

You rise above all other lures 
No higher pulls our hearts 
All peoples will gather in praise 
For marvelous You are

Abounding love 
Spilled out for us
The Son of God is given 
And on that tree 
Love’s gift you bleed 
The Father’s heart wide open

Song lyrics © Mike Janzen, 2021. All rights reserved.


Melding jazz, pop and classical styles, Mike Janzen brings an imaginative and fresh voice to the current music scene. From soul-stirring songwriting to mesmerizing piano solos, Mike’s music is approachable and hits the deep places of the heart.  The JUNO- and GMA-nominated musician has performed in concert halls, churches and festivals across North America, combining undeniable talent with a desire to create music that draws attention to the Maker.  

Music has informed and shaped Mike’s entire life. A gifted jazz pianist, composer, and arranger, his diverse career took a unique direction with the double-album release The Psalms Project (2021/Independent), a collection of Psalms-inspired sacred songs that emerged during his long period of recovery from a serious concussion injury... [more]