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For Solace
Random Songby Joseph Tennant released 2023-03-14 Uploaded 2023-08-19 23:13:19
Written by Joseph Tennant
Genre: Folk/Roots
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
0 hearts and 23 playsLyrics
wake up to the snowfall tired skies spill their turmoil my mind is cloudy as i sip silt from a coffee thin whisps of tobacco chimneys of the poor folk keep warm in the winter just to burn out in the summer transfixed by the solstice deep groanings for solace toil hard in the morning just to pass out in the evening get paid on the weekend i’m beaten down by the season spillin guts in the cafe to folks who’ve never even met me stroll home in the twilight i pray long for a respite transfixed by the solstice deep groanings for solace

Joseph Tennant is a seasoned performer with a growing audience in western Canada. He has crafted a name for himself as an intricate storyteller, ardent poet, and complexly delicate guitarist.
Hidden within his musical journals and voice memos are collections of songs that are just now starting to find their way into the wilderness. The first of these released on March 14th, 2023 (the Valentines Day of March) with more to follow throughout the year.