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Random Songby Mike Janzen released 2022-05-31 Uploaded 2023-08-21 11:59:31
Written by Mike Janzen
Genre: Folk/Roots
1 heart and 34 playsLyrics
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Melding jazz, pop and classical styles, Mike Janzen brings an imaginative and fresh voice to the current music scene. From soul-stirring songwriting to mesmerizing piano solos, Mike’s music is approachable and hits the deep places of the heart. The JUNO- and GMA-nominated musician has performed in concert halls, churches and festivals across North America, combining undeniable talent with a desire to create music that draws attention to the Maker.
Music has informed and shaped Mike’s entire life. A gifted jazz pianist, composer, and arranger, his diverse career took a unique direction with the double-album release The Psalms Project (2021/Independent), a collection of Psalms-inspired sacred songs that emerged during his long period of recovery from a serious concussion injury... [more]