Covenant Awards

A Garden of Eden

Random Song

by Jason Silver released 2024-01-01 Uploaded 2024-03-01 11:28:18
Written by Jason Silver

Genre: Pop

On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube

0 hearts and 2 plays


This is what the Sovereign Lord says,
This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
On the day I cleanse you from all your sins
I will resettle your towns
On the day I cleanse you from all your sins
The ruins will be rebuilt.

The desolate land will be cultivated 
Instead of lying in waste
All who pass through it saying it's become a
Garden of Eden

The cities lying in ruins, 
Desolate and destroyed, 
Are now fortified and inhabited.” 
That's what they say, who pass by

Then the nations 'round you that still remain 
will know the Lord has rebuilt
Rebuilt what was destroyed, replanted 
No longer desolate.
I am the Lord and I have spoken
And I will do it.’


I've been making music and writing songs since I was old enough to reach the piano. I now am a multi-instrumentalist and arranger, with experience arranging for every size of group: from small bands to orchestras.

Married in 1994, I began taking jobs as a worship pastor, arranging and directing bands for contemporary and "seeker-targeted" churches in Saskatoon, New Jersey, Kingston, and Hamilton. I currently lead worship at Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church in Harrowsmith, Ontario.

While serving as a contemporary church planter and music director for an Anglican congregation, I began putting liturgy and scripture to music in 2012... [more]