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He Is Our God
Random Songby Terry Posthumus released 2021-09-06 Uploaded 2023-06-08 10:31:13
Written by Terry and Jessica Posthumus
Genre: Rock/Modern Rock
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
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Verse 1 He who made the mountains He who created the wind He who turns dawn to darkness. He makes His thoughts known to us. Chorus He rules over the highest places. The Lord God! He rules over all. He walks on the mountain ridges. His name is the Lord God All-Powerful He is our God. Verse 2 He who established the heavens, He made the earth and the seas, He who changes the seasons, Brings forth the rain! The Lord is his name! Bridge He conquered the grave. He is our God! Creation proclaims, “He is our God!” Tag Yes He is! Yes He is! Yes He is! He is our God! Yes He is! Yes He is! Yes He is! © 2018 Terry Posthumus, Turn About Media Productions. All rights reserved.

Hailing from Ontario, Canada, Terry Posthumus is an innovative singer-songwriter, speaker and worship leader. Terry is known for lyrics that are introspective, inspirational and insightful. His appealing voice and his command of his instrument have captivated audiences near and far - with performances that have been described as "rootsy," engaging and delightful. His passion for life, love, family, faith and justice is woven into the very fabric of his songs and stories.
Aspiring to advocate for impoverished children, Terry has partnered with World Vision Canada. As a part of World Vision, he can be a voice of change... [more]