Covenant Awards

In the End

Random Song

by Quinn Throness released 2023-03-03 Uploaded 2024-06-19 00:59:20
Written by Quinn Throness

Genre: Pop

On YouTube

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Verse 1
If this is the start then I don’t ever wanna see the end
If this is the part where You take my heart and make it Yours again
If this is the start I know I can trust that my life’s in Your hands 

‘Cause You don’t doubt when You part the waters
That they’ll come back and they'll enter in Your promised land 
So I won't doubt when You put me in Your great big plan 
Instead I will trust You

Verse 2
There’s lefts and rights there's ups and downs 
And my whole life it is things I don't think I can figure out
But You told me You have a plan
And that Your will works in the end 


I don’t even know who I wanna be
‘Cause there’s so many paths that You could take me 
All I know is I will serve You all my days and I will trust
Trust You 

Chorus (reprise)
‘Cause You didn’t doubt when You took the thorns upon Your head 
You didn’t doubt when the cross came down upon Your back
You knew the plan, You knew that it would all work in the end
And You saved me that day


If this is the start then I don’t ever wanna see the end
If this is the part where You take my heart and make it Yours again


Hey! My name is Quinn Throness and I’m a 20 year old Christian singer/songwriter from Alberta, Canada. I was raised on a family grain farm that doubles as a youth event center. My family has run the local youth group for my whole life, and my parents always played Christian music for events. This gave me a love for all things Christian music! I write my songs for my saviour, Jesus Christ, and I also live my life for Him. I hope that through this music you can see He is "the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6). Jesus has changed my life for the better; He’s shown me purpose, joy, and peace... [more]