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My Best My Rest
Random Songby Quinn Throness released 2024-05-17 Uploaded 2024-06-19 01:07:49
Written by Quinn Throness
Genre: Pop
0 hearts and 5 playsLyrics
VERSE 1 I said I’d never be the same, not again But I guess that I lied Because as I’m staring back at me all those thoughts they come back And reenter my mind Naturally, I wanna be liked But by grace I’ve been freed from those lies Still, my focus it, it’s been shifting From Your love to things I despise CHORUS I can’t be my best if I’m focused on my worst And I can’t find my rest if I don’t know what I’m worth To You God, ‘cause all the rest is nothing I can’t find my rest, my best without You Lord Without You Lord VERSE 2 I’ve been so caught up in me I didn’t see I’m lacking joy and peace It’s tunnel vision how I’ve been thinking I can’t worry ‘bout my neighbor ‘cause It’s all about me (CHORUS) BRIDGE (x2) If I’m focused on my worst Then there's no way I can help those who are hurt If I can’t see beyond me Then there's no way I can be who You made me to be INTERLUDE I can't be my best I can't find my rest (CHORUS)

Hey! My name is Quinn Throness and I’m a 20 year old Christian singer/songwriter from Alberta, Canada. I was raised on a family grain farm that doubles as a youth event center. My family has run the local youth group for my whole life, and my parents always played Christian music for events. This gave me a love for all things Christian music! I write my songs for my saviour, Jesus Christ, and I also live my life for Him. I hope that through this music you can see He is "the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6). Jesus has changed my life for the better; He’s shown me purpose, joy, and peace... [more]