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Random Songby Roxanne Robinson released 2024-09-20 Uploaded 2024-10-11 20:54:02
Written by N/A
Genre: Gospel/Caribbean
1 heart and 5 playsLyrics
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Roxanne Robinson's passion for God exemplifies worship beyond just a song, she is a believer who sings the songs of the lord. Her prolific journey with the lord and music ministry began at the age of 15 after which she served in various capacities such as the worship leader, soloist, and duet group with her older sister as "The Robinson Sisters". After migrating to Canada 2009, she became a member of the Praise Cathedral Worship Center and is still functioning as a worship leader, soloist whilst establishing ministry internationally. Her melodious voice captured the hearts of many and propelled her on platforms with some of gospel music's biggest names after releasing her first EP in 2015... [more]