Covenant Awards

Heart Of A Child

Random Song

by Norine Gallimore released 2016-05-07 Uploaded 2023-07-17 06:52:24
Written by Norine Gallimore

Genre: Christian Country

On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube

1 heart and 1 play


You have carried that child for a reason
Something you thought would never be
But God was behind you all the way
And He helped you through the most difficult times

Many times you were feeling helpless but God was in control 
He has a very special task for you to do no, you’re not to blame this is for a reason
You kept her alive and you have given another chance at life 

Bless the heart of a child
Bless the heart of a child

You have caused someone’s dreams to come true

Bless the heart of a child 
Bless the heart of a child 

She will always be with you and be a part of you always
You are blessed for you have blessed 
God has given you the strength to carry on

Bless the heart of a child
Bess the heart of a child

You've been waiting and praying for a miracle
And God has now heard your cry
You have caused someone’s dreams to come true

Bless the heart of a child


Norine Gallimore is a Canadian Artist and Lyricist. She did vocal arrangements, with Stephan Moccio, on a Christmas classic, 'O Holy Night'. His artists include, Celine Dion, Nikki Yanofsky and The Weekend. She writes and produces, Inspirational, Contemporary Gospel, (all styles),  Acoustic, Country, and Ballad songs. Norine is a Featured Artist, on iTunes Replay 2023 alongside other artists. Her songs  placed number #1 locally and #19 Nationally on the Reverb Nation charts in Canada for Contemporary Christian and Inspirational Music... [more]