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Let Us Sing
Random Songby Bob Hawkins released 2022-06-13 Uploaded 2023-08-09 09:53:39
Written by Robert A. Hawkins
Genre: Christian Country
0 hearts and 20 playsLyrics
Verse 1 Let us sing to you Let us pray to you May we walk across the valley with our eyes on you Let us kneel to your name Let us call on your name May we do the work before us Let us praise your name Chorus 1 All the world and all the things that are in it The heavens above and all that's beneath it The sun and moon the stars and all that's beyond this All is from thy hand Chorus 2 All That I can do and all that I can be All these things you've already seen All my life is yours please help me see it All is from thy hand

The Bob Hawkins Band members are Ron Hill on drums, Peter Sanderson on bass and Bob Hawkins on vocals and guitar. Bob is also a member of: SOCAN, GMA CANADA, CCMA and CCLI.
The band is based in Orillia, Ontario, Canada where we grew up, met as teenagers, and formed a few bands before solidifying as this indie trio. Currently they are recording new music and have been preforming in various venues through central Ontario.