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The One I'm Trying to Please (Gal. 1:10)
Random Songby Jason Silver released 2024-04-20 Uploaded 2024-04-20 12:52:44
Written by Jason Silver
Genre: Folk/Roots
On Spotify On Apple Music On YouTube
0 hearts and 2 playsLyrics
Do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the One I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? Am I trying to please people? If I still wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Instrumental Do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the One I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? Am I trying to please people? If I still wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

I've been making music and writing songs since I was old enough to reach the piano. I now am a multi-instrumentalist and arranger, with experience arranging for every size of group: from small bands to orchestras.
Married in 1994, I began taking jobs as a worship pastor, arranging and directing bands for contemporary and "seeker-targeted" churches in Saskatoon, New Jersey, Kingston, and Hamilton. I currently lead worship at Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church in Harrowsmith, Ontario.
While serving as a contemporary church planter and music director for an Anglican congregation, I began putting liturgy and scripture to music in 2012... [more]