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Random Songby Eileen Wotschell released 2021-12-19 Uploaded 2023-07-10 17:18:43
Written by Eileen Wotschell
Genre: Seasonal
0 hearts and 2 playsLyrics
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Eileen Wotschell, a resident of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, is a singer/songwriter of Christian-Inspirational music. She is relatively new to the world of songwriting, but not to singing and enjoying music. She has been very involved in the music ministry in the church as choir director and leader of song for many years. Her life has always been full of all types of music, but over the last few years, she began writing. Eileen has created her songs (with the good Lord’s help) through life experiences and straight from her heart. With her folksy/country style along with a genuine vocal talent, she has been quoted as being “a breath of fresh air” to Christian music... [more]