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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Random Songby The Springmans released 2022-12-02 Uploaded 2023-08-17 01:18:42
Written by The Springmans, John Mason Neale
Genre: Seasonal
0 hearts and 3 playsLyrics
O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee O Israel! O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer Our spirits by thine advent here And drive away the shades of night And pierce the clouds and bring us light Rejoice….. O come, Desire of nations, bind All people in one heart and mind; Bid envy, strife, and quarrel cease Fill all the world with heaven's peace. Rejoice…..

Take one adventurous, fun-loving, creative dad, combine with his four uniquely talented, courageous, and friendly kids, and you have The Springmans!
The Springmans……. are a Vancouver, Canada-based, award winning Christian music group that bring their unique style of ukulele-strumming, djembe-drumming, guitar and mandolin-picking catchy songs to audiences all over North America and Europe! The Springmans' first album, Happy Beach, (produced by and co-written with multi-Grammy© and Dove Award winner Mark Heimermann (dcTalk, Michael W... [more]